B&O App version 5.90

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  • #56037
    BRONZE Member
      • Switzerland
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      The usual meaningless twaddle. What it means is: “We have received your message and passed the buck to someone else who may or may not respond… and we don’t actually care anyway, we’re just here to make you feel better”. It means nothing. Customer Care is a messaging service. I have had many similar responses from them and, more often than not, nothing transpired.

      BRONZE Member
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        I’ve finally been hit with a non-working “improvement”. I’m not in the beta program, but with latest Android release (…). The TV remote feature no longer works with my Gen1 Eclipse. I also can no longer control the stand. They’ve redesigned the interface so I get a cute little remote icon replacing boring words, but pressing it does nothing. Similarly, there’s an icon for moving the stand that doesn’t work either. 2 steps forward, 6 steps back..

        At least the beoremote1 works, but it is sometimes more convenient to use the app if the remote is not near or lost in the couch.

        Then again, aside from Sonos, every one complains about their “smart speaker” apps (e.g. Kef, Klipsch, Naim Muso). Doesn’t mean it’s acceptable, but at least we’re not alone.

        GOLD Member
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          Hi,the cynic in me [and many others judging by responses over the last few years] is already tending to that view. Given B&O positioning themselves as Hi End Products now [and priced accordingly!], they do themselves no favours with their constant mishandling of updates etc on the technical side. I don’t look forward to the day when my TV goes to heaven- I can’t see myself investing in very expensive and unreliable technology. I’m very happy with everything wired together and mostly unreliant on the wonders of wifi in light of their serious underperforming in this area.

          GOLD Member
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            Well as predicted zilch response,a new app update that does things, but does not restore my sound options on a BV11 presumably because its too old and isn’t on the Mozart platform. Really they do themselves no favours and given its pretty difficult to guess whether the latest update will remove functions you have taken for granted, it’s a pretty rubbish state of affairs! And of course no way to revert to the version that actually did work….I will ask them that option but can’t say I hold any real hope that they will reach out and help….

            • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by altist.
            BRONZE Member
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              It seems they’re redesigning some of the TV controls. I can no longer move the stand on my Eclipse gen1. They replaced the text option “stand” with a cute icon, but pressing the icon does nothing. Same with the TV remote control features. Instead of the text “remote control” that took me to screens that allowed me to control my TV similar to the actual beoremote1, I get a cute icon that does nothing. Optimistically, I’m hoping this was a stupid oversight/build error that will be fixed soon. I can’t see them taking these function away since they were working quite well. Then again, you never know the depths to which software may sink.

              BRONZE Member
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                Does anyone know how to clear the Play queue in one go? I am using the Tidal integration. There’s like a million songs in there now and I don’t want to delete those songs one by one.

                BRONZE Member
                  • Switzerland
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                  Does anyone know how to clear the Play queue in one go? I am using the Tidal integration. There’s like a million songs in there now and I don’t want to delete those songs one by one.

                  I don’t use Tidal but, with Deezer, the ability to clear the entire Play Queue disappeared after v5.3 of the B&O app. No explanation, nothing. That was over a year ago and we’re now at v6.0. Despite repeated requests to the black hole they call Customer Support, B&O has done nothing about restoring the Play Queue delete button.

                  What may work for you is to put your system on standby for a minute. With my B&O Core, this works. Not ideal but quicker than deleting a large queue song by song. Thankfully, I kept v5.3 on my Mac so I can still delete the play queue there.

                  BRONZE Member
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                    Thank you!

                    I mainly used AirPlay for streaming so I managed my queue in other apps than the B&O app. I thought I overlooked the functionality or it was another hidden long press, but apparently not…

                    Standby doesn’t seem to help with Theatre. A workaround for now is streaming one song via another source (i.e. Spotify Connect or even Tidal Connect), you won’t see a queue anymore in the player screen. When you then use the integrated Tidal source again it has created a new queue.

                    Haven’t tested this but might work with Deezer as well 🙂

                    BRONZE Member
                      • Switzerland
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                      Nowadays, I also use AirPlay to the Core from Deezer, Bandcamp and Apple Music. Their play queues behave well. In fact, I have more or less given up using the B&O app on my iPhone. I have also stopped testing the newer beta versions because, as far as I can see, all they do is get worse in functionality, not better. I may wait for a few months before retrying any new beta version. I lost faith in B&O as an app provider. They lost their way a long time ago.

                      GOLD Member
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                        Sadly it is the case that “they lost their way” some time back re the app. As I don’t use any of the music streaming services, any functionalities as updated and possibly worsened in their constant attempts to update their app pass me by…but the loss of use of sound from app does affect me and for that I’m very unhappy indeed. Surely they could hire some more proficient engineers given the price they charge for products and where they position themselves? As I’ve said before I can’t see me replacing my much loved and trusty BV 11 with anything from their portfolio, as the problems raised here and on other forums would suggest that I’m entering a minefield of problems which I simply can’t be doing with. Technology done less than superlatively negates the supposed advances that it should provide.

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